Thursday 14 April 2016

Peraliya Buddha Statue: The Tsunami Memorial

The 54-foot standing Buddha statue has been constructed in memory of the victims of the tsunami, which struck Sri Lanka on 26th December 2004. The construction cost of Rs. 50 million was donated by the Most Venerable Othani Chojun, the Prelate of the Hoganji Temple of Japan. It is located by the side of the A2 highway (Galle Road) at Peraliya 7 kilometres south of Ambalangoda.

The statue is a replica of the Bamiyan Buddha statue of Afghanistan whose scale model was created by the Venerable Ratnapure Nanda Thera. The names of the tsunami victims have been inscribed on its base. The statue was unveiled in 2006 marking the second anniversary of the tragedy. Almost the entire village of Peraliya (99.8%) was destroyed by the 9.1-9.3 magnitude Indonesian earthquake which triggered the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. Lives lost are estimated between 31,000 and 37,000 along with the destruction of houses numbering over 100,000.

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